Friday, November 24, 2006

History of computers and the internet - Summary of lecture 2

The birth of the computer and its history how it came to what we call those boxes that we see around as of today.
It was Babbage who is called the father of computer but the concept of computing has always been since the birth of mankind. We could discover it only recently and make it as a specific concept. Turing used a toilet paper example of symbols such as zeros and ones to perform a mathematical additional task just by following some rules.
He is the one that gave the concepts to the actual computers that we see as of today. The great IBM and Microsoft combined their hardware and software recourses to produce computers commercially for a common man. There have been many controversies because of the money and economy involved. The fact that a machine that could perform some simple mathematical tasks that filled up says a large room during Babbage’s time is now weighing say 100gms (such as the laptops) could perform thousands of same mathematical tasks simultaneously.

What was the next step, we could do amazing stuff with these computers all we need is to share them. That’s where the internet comes in. Beginning as a tool to connect resources over few universities in the U.S.A that was funded by the army it is as of today connecting millions of people around the globe. Communication has become the vital purpose of the internet. The internet has evolved into a new communication medium.

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