Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Media - Lecture session 3 summary (source lecture)

A summary of Lecture Session 3 – All about Media

It was in Germany a little fellow could raise bloody racial mass murders and a reason to the one of the bloodiest wars fought, the World War II. This short comical appearance person's ideologies were pretty rough and disastrous. Now how could mere words affect huge masses to take an action? We are indeed speaking about non other than Hitler. He had tremendous communication skills.

Concentrating on the fact that his words could make people take an action means not all the people were really effected by his ideologies or like them, but think it this way. He was a medium that was used to actually raise few thought and manipulate them over to the masses by few people who liked his ideologies as a solution. What he did later with this power is all history.

Hitler was a medium of communication.

Today journalist and the news papers are a kind of medium having the different kinds of effects on the general public. It is the way in which we communicate through. The new technologies like the internet is it a medium – may be-
An intervening substance through which something else is transmitted or carried on

There is whole new study on these communication media (plural for medium) and its effects. There are even subdivisions in these studies such as media studies, journalism or cultural studies.

We are ending up with different kinds of branches as we are narrowing a topic down.

We could look into the concepts and the studies and the effects it has over the masses has been put forward mainly from two cultural backgrounds the U.S.A and the Europe.

The historic view of accepted and argued theories-
1990 - Ferdinand - semiotics- cultural texts
1920 - Bullet theory - every one is affected in the same way with mass media
1930 - It was more a statistical method in media studies. Very much mathematical
1940 - If it does not affect every one the same way what is the minimum effect.
1950 - We look in to the psychology of a medium, like how advertising affects others & how kids are affected, like violence and politics; it was more dynamic in nature.
1960 – Canadian guy – Marshall
- He looked into literary style, can we use the psychology and statistics in media studies. They were very revolutionary ideas. The effects of media were lot more after that.
1970 – Mixed effects – cultivation hypnosis - people perceive things can be shaped by the media like politics, like the war in Iraq
Issues that are put the news papers can pop up in the agenda for discussion and could also be referred by Politian as in such as political campaign.
The new points, that it affects all. It is a multiple effect.
1980 – Maximum Effects – media can become a public effect, we just accept passively the bombardment from it.
- The fact that we can put a web log has also become a channel of an output.

So far that was the time line of media in the U.S

Let’s go back and take a look of the time line in Europe and how things went down there with the media studies.

1930 – In contemporary media studies are a work of art. Say photography, cinema when you look at them it has authenticity, it’s aura as we reproduce it mechanically that cheapens the authenticity of the actual value. What value is a Mona Lisa picture with Homer Simsons face in it?
This is what is happening in this digital world
1940 – Frankfurt School – some of the famous guys here studied that media has an effect in a philosophical effect the real life is becoming more like in movies. The movies just push you to accept it to be real.
1950 – Guy Debord – we should get out there and do stuff. He advices to stop thinking and do of more applying. Every day experiences have a represent of what our life is all about.
1960 – the public life is really shaped from public opinion in little places or gathering that would be a major influence.
Public Environment where a middle class influencing the political forces and journalism transforms the message
1970 – louis – the idea of state apparatuses – he would suggest our connection to the stat is an imaginary relation ship
1980 – Something Marshall did- the real mass media that effected globally. We have been so used to see reality end up in an imaginary world
1990 – Constructive reality, and pushing the agenda and bombardment we need to strike back, we should look at a different public sphere

In Australia we have our influences from both Europe and U.S ideologies.

New Media, Internet Studies and cyber culture studies
- If we worked out what media studies is – then what is new media studies – is it a new medium or is it a new version of an old version of the medium

- Early 90’s internet began to be used as a tool of communication across continents. Globalization
- The early book and writings over the internet were more descriptive,
- The internet is good because … it is bad because … there is a balance within its creation.
- There is a failure to see it is a media tool, it is used more for recreation purposes
- CMC – computer mediated communication
- Anything starts with e or cyber is related to a material produced online over a computer and distributed over the internet

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