Friday, November 24, 2006

photoshop part 1 Tutorial - Task 5

1. Friends – A concept that every one lives for and depends on, a person or a living being that you know and trust. It’s a beautiful feeling. The above picture shows a dog and a cat who by nature are enemies but here they are together reflecting the power of friendship could deify nature itself.

Source of the picture is form

2. High tech – Amazing architecture and a purpose of its construction based on technology. This is a building from the city I come from Hyderabad. It’s called the Hi Tec city building and hosts the infrastructure for IT companies.


3. News – an information about a recent event or achievement that is spread out to the masses through a medium. The above picture reflects news as it is a medium that helps most of the world’s fastest news to appear on television.

Source :

4. Summer – A season that is hot. The picture shows dryness, heat and the effects of the sun in summer of a place in Africa.


5. Unconventional – something that is unusual that does not happen in real life like an existence of a super hero, or the dressing up of a super hero he wears his underwear over his pants unlike normal beings


6. University Life – a successful achievement of academics a step that would decide what your learning interests and career would be. The above picture is an old lady to who is happy that she got graduated. she has achieved a degree and it reflects a university outcome.


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